Hi! We’re Liz and Josi, a mother-daughter healing team delivering Emotion Code and Body Code sessions to a diverse range of clients.
Liz’s Story
I was blessed to receive a constant flow of insights starting in my childhood. However, in my adult years, I reached a turning point that demanded a serious awakening and commitment to the divine truth that was operating in my life.
After the birth of my first child, I was diagnosed with a severe auto-immune disease. I was told that there was no cure for this illness, and that other than being able to provide me some increased comfort, there was not much western medicine could do for me.
After receiving this information, strange occurrences began to happen, and I began my journey “home.” Every morning around 3 AM, I awakened and felt led to the computer. I was not consciously aware of what would unfold. But night after night, words and phrases were dictated to me, and I typed them out at the computer. I then returned to bed to continue with my sleep.
In the morning, I read through the previous night’s message and came to learn that each one was leading me to take certain steps towards healing. I followed each step knowing that the information was coming from above as well as from within my own true states of knowing.
After three years of following this unique path, a complete healing had taken place. All the signs and symptoms associated with the disease were gone. When I was retested for the disease, there were no signs that any disease was present. I knew that I had unlocked a reliable way to undertake a healing journey.
Looking back, it seems clear that I simply had to surrender to my belief that a Divine Source of healing was available to me and that I could connect to that source through various means. Angels and spirit guides were two gifts given to me so that I could access this power. I have come to know that when I’m “off my path,” I am more vulnerable to imbalance and disease.
I believe that everyone has their own path to walk, and that each of us can get help from our own spirit guides, intuition, angels, and other divine resources. I also know that each of us is unique and may require healing prescriptions specific to our issues. This need for individualized attention is met by the messages within each of our subconscious minds. When we can access this personalized information, healing can begin.
Using the Body & Emotion Codes for Healing
After my personal healing journey, I wanted to be able to share what I had learned with others. I knew I wanted to find a practice and set of tools that would allow me to enhance and facilitate healing in other people. In 2004, I was led to a wellness practitioner who incorporated energy healing and muscle testing in every visit.
I knew from my previous experience that my subconscious was the key to understanding and healing myself. I was intrigued by these tools that allowed the messages from the subconscious to come forth. I was amazed as answers appeared that solved health issues I was experiencing.
In 2014, I began working with a Body Code practitioner. By this time, I had a general understanding of energy healing and had developed a deep belief in and strong connections to unseen energy sources. Putting my knowledge and experience together with the practices and tools offered by the Body Code seemed like a natural fit—the one I had been looking for.
I continue to receive my own information on this path of sharing healing journeys with others. It’s a constant process to realize how many dimensions and frequencies are at work in our lives. Our life paths are indeed complex and unique.
After years of study and personal experience, I can honestly say that the Emotion and Body Code practices offer the most direct access to our subconscious fields of information. These tools have the highest impact of any I have witnessed when it comes to helping people release negative emotions quickly and efficiently. I hope you’ll allow me the opportunity to visit with you so that we can work together to bring you the health and happiness you desire.
Josi’s Story
My journey into energy healing began when I was 14, living in Florida. I had my first session with an energy healer from Oregon, which blew my mind. Despite the distance, we connected and worked together for five years. She helped me correct imbalances and work through many issues, some being physical pain, low self-esteem, and relationship problems. I began to learn to manage my emotions, something I’d always struggled with.
A few years later, my mom became certified in Emotion Code and Body Code. This deepened our close bond, and I leaned on her not only as a mother, but also as a healer, through my teens and early 20s. She began to work with some of my friends. Seeing her help them transform their lives was inspiring. I watched them overcome anxiety, build confidence, and develop healthier relationships of their own. They became more self-aware and emotionally balanced, which motivated me to pursue energy healing myself.
In early 2023, I decided to pursue a certification in Emotion Code to help myself and others. After a year of practice, I wanted to do more, so I became certified as a Body Code practitioner in July 2024. Now, I’m excited to dedicate my life to helping people heal, bringing a fun, compassionate, and relatable approach to my practice.